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Engage in outstanding
Our Accredited Award in Coach Training (AACT) has been accredited by the Association for Coaching and leads to a participants becoming Certified Every Conversation Coaches as well as meeting the training requirements for individual accreditation.
Uniquely created with educators in mind - our 1 term programme can be started at the beginning of every term and will last a total of 11 weeks.
Perfect for:
those new to coaching
those wanting an intensive period of training
participants who are keen to 'get going' with coaching​​​​
The Educational Coach is also an organisational member of the Association for Coaching (AC), so attending this course entitles you to a one-year student membership to the AC at no additional cost

Everyone at The Educational Coach felt the same feeling when they completed their coach training. An overwhelming desire to make sure as many people as possible knew about the power and impact of coaching.
Once you experience coaching yourself you want others to experience it too. But how can you achieve this?
While we all know thousands of 'natural' coaches but - nothing beats investing time and brain power into learning how to hone your craft properly.
Giving you the confidence to work with people and to create your own mission.

We train you how we would want to be trained.
By training with us you will know that you are being trained by experts - not just in coaching but in education.
We train you live (online) weekly or monthly depending on your pathway. Our programme is open to educators globally.
We train you to an in-depth level - ensuring you are competent and confident to coach 'in the real world'.
We are accredited providers of coach training and our course (AACT) has been accredited by The Association for Coaching.
You will leave our course - a confident certified coach ready for individual accreditation.​

The Accredited Award in Coach Training provides 53 hrs of input - made up from live session, self study and our special 'coachathons'
We have a strong focus on making sure the programme is a healthy blend of practical and theoretical training -with tools, exercises, practise and feedback a plenty.
It is a fully comprehensive programme delivered expertly by our outstanding facilitators.
We have carefully put together our modules so that they are interesting, in-depth and build up coaching knowledge in a sustainable way.