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What Would Happen if Every Conversation in School Was a High-Quality Conversation?


An accredited and certified coaching programme with a difference.

Every Conversation

Embed a coaching culture in your school with our three term programme accredited by the Association for Coaching, that allows you to experience coaching first-hand, learn the art and science and practise the skills.

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Every Conversation

At The Educational Coach, we strongly believe in the power of every conversation, especially those taking place within educational institutions. That's why we are dedicated to providing educators with the essential tools they need to engage in meaningful and high-quality discussions with themselves, their colleagues, and the students under their care.


Introducing our innovative program, Every Conversation, designed to empower educators in fostering impactful dialogues.


Tailored to meet the unique needs of each school, the Every Conversation programme offers three comprehensive packages: foundation, advanced and expert.

Aligned with the academic calendar, our program consists of three cohorts, starting in September, January, and April, respectively.


Throughout the programme, you will be supported by our knowledgeable team and exclusively learn and apply The Help Method—an effective approach to coaching. By mastering the art and science of coaching, you will not only unlock your own full potential but also empower others to do the same.


Join us on this transformative journey and discover the significant impact on every conversation.

Revolutionising Your School with a Coaching Culture

Participants of our Every Conversation Programme have reported the following impacts on their practise:


An increased level of role engagement.


The development of a deeper level of learning.

Greater personal awareness.


Invaluable tools to restablish and act towards goals.


A safe place to gain perspective.


External support for the educational sector.

Programme Overview

Programme Overview

Our programme aims to enhance the quality of conversations in the school environment. By investing in our coaching programme, schools can involve approximately 20% of their workforce from various roles. Throughout the academic year, participants will engage in cohort tasks, smaller group exercises, and individual coaching sessions. They will also have the opportunity for self-study to practice coaching techniques in real school-based contexts. Together, we will cultivate a coaching culture that fosters open and honest conversations, leading to positive change for staff members. 

Professional Attending a Seminar



Introduction Video

1:1 Personal Coaching Sessions

School In-Person Training Day

Facilitated Practise Sessions

Course Completion Certificate

Baseline Data and End of Year Impact Report

Year 2


1:1 Personal Coaching Sessions

Group Coaching Live Session

School In-Person Training Day

Guided Practise Sessions

Course Completion Certificate

Personal Coaching Report

Year 3


1:1 Personal Coaching Sessions

Group Coaching Live Session

School In-Person Training Day

Supervised Practise Sessions

Course Completion Certificate

Evaluation for Personal AfC Accreditation

Head of Department

"Every Conversation" has opened my eyes to the importance of thoughtful questioning, active listening, patience, and above all, giving people the space to find their own solutions. 

Head of Secondary School


The Educational Coach has made me re-think the way I work with and support other peers and colleagues I lead.

Middle Leader

A great introduction to coaching. The practical aspects of the course were invaluable, particularly experiencing quality coaching for myself.
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...other programmes

Our Every Conversation programme isn't the only way to work with us.

We have a number of other ways to get the coaching conversation started.

1:1 coaching

The Deputy Head's Companion to Impactful Staff Development


Accredited Coaches: Qualfied Teachers

Accredited Coaches: Qualified Teachers

With a deep understanding of the education sector and a wealth of knowledge, our coaches provide expert guidance, support, and resources that drive sustainable growth and positive change within your school. We are dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of your educational staff and creating a culture of continuous improvement.

Julie Keyes

Camilla Whitney-Thomas

Jonathan Carroll

Lindsay Cunningham

Schedule a Discovery Call with Our Coaches to Discover How The Educational Coach Can Benefit Your School, Staff, and Students

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